Steven was Born

Created by Jeanette 16 years ago
Steven was born in the early hours of November 9th, he was my only sibling and I adored him from the moment he was born. He was a big baby and was always hungry!Our father was overjoyed at Steven's birth he had so wanted a son. I loved taking Steven out and about with me, he became my shadow, everywhere I went he followed, I was even allowed to take him to school with me one day! We did so much together, everywhere I went Steven wanted to come and I always let him. Steven's young life was full,we went on comping holidays with our parents when he was just a couple of years old, he loved to ride around in the farmers tractor. He won a competition for drawing and received a wonderful bike which he learned to ride everywhere. At school Steven did well, his art work was exceptional. When he was a teenager he went with our parents to live in the USA, Steven loved his time there and was very popular.